Wang Bo
Publish Date:2015/06/10 Views:

NAME:Wang Bo

Registered Architect ,  Ph.D.  Associate Professor, Director of Architectural  physics of  Architectural and Civil Engineering College  of Xiamen University, Visiting scholar  of Lund  University, Sweden,,


 2000,9 - 2004.3, Ph.D. Architectural College of Southeast University, Nanjing. The title of master thesis: Ecological  Physical  Environment of  Urban  Square  and  the Research  &  Application  of  Porous  Pavement

 1998,5  Registered Architect (serial number: 2984100041) from National          Administration Board of Engineering Registration (architectural) of PRC.

 1992,9 - 1995.4, Masters of Science, Department of Architectural Engineering,          Chang'an University (formerly Xi'an Highway University),Xi’an , The title of master thesis: The  research  of  low-noise   pavement.

 1983,9 -1987.7, Bachelor of Science, Department of Material Science, Henan      University of Science and Technology (formerly Luoyang Engineering College)  

 2007.2~3,English  training  program  in RMIT , Melbourne, Australia

 2009. 2 -2010.3,Lund  University, Sweden, Visiting scholar.


 Interior  acoustic   design  and  noise  control

 Urban ecological  and  physical  environment  and    sustainable   development

 Civil  engineering  design

 Building  energy  efficiency  design


1987,7 -1992.9, I was engaged  as assistant  engineer  in the  China  First  Tractor  Group in Luoyang.

1995,7 - 2004.7, I was engaged in the education and research work in Henan University of Science and Technology, Registered Architect  of  architectural  design  research institute.

From 2004,7 to 2015.11, I was engaged in the education and research work in Xiamen University, Registered Architect  of  architectural  design  research institute. Associate Professor, Director of Architectural  physics of  Architectural and Civil Engineering College  of Xiamen University, Key young  and middle  age  teacher of Xiamen University.

From 2015,11 to present, Director of Confucius Institute of  UNIZIK ,Nigeria.


 The evaluation  and  control  of  architectural   physical environment

 Utilization  of  solar  energy  about architecture designing

 Performance study and optimization design of  porous  pavement

 Building  energy  consumption  analysis  and  design  method  of  energy  efficiency

 Evaluation  of  indoor  thermal  comfort


 Arbor’s  Ecological  Benefit  and  “Friendliness Degree”  of  City  Square(First  author, Huazhong Architecture  2004 Vol.22 No.2)

 Energy  Conservation Design  for  Residential  Buildings in Hot in Summer  and Cold  in Winter  Zone(Second author,Huazhong Architecture  2004 Vol.22 No.1)

 Water  Resources  Sustainable  Utilization  of City  Sight  Gardens(First  author, Industrial  Construction  2004 Vol.34 No.1)

 Life Cycle  Assessment(LCA) and  Eco-Building-Materials (First  author, Chinese and overseas architecture 2003.No.6)

 Application of  penetrative  pavement  and  its  prospects(First  author, Architecture  Technology, 2002 Vol.33 No.9)

 The  material  structure  and  absorptivity  for  lower  noise  pavement((Second author, journal  of  Xi’an  highway university,1996 Vol.16 No.3)

 Measurement & analyses  of  summer  thermal  environmental  index  in  Nanjing  Gulou  square  and  public  investigation(First  author, Industrial  Construction  2004 Vol.34 No.1)

 Tactics  of  generalization  and  application  penetrative  pavement(First  author,1st  Academic  Forum  of civil engineer &architecture   Doctoral  Candidates  of southeast  university , 2003 ,December )

 Study  of pavement’s  quality & environmental  benefit  with fuzzy  mathematics  approach(Sichuan  Architecture , 2003 Vol.23 No.5)

 Ecological  environmental  benefit  of  porous  pavement (First  author,1st  Academic  Forum  of   Chinese  Doctoral  Candidates, 2003 ,October  17~19)

 Analysis  on  ecologically  industrial  garden(First  author, Industrial  Construction  2002 Vol.32 No.7)

 Sound  absorption  performance  test  research of  porous  concrete pavement  (Sichuan  Building  Science, 2004 Vol.30 No.4)

 Ecological  environmental  benefit  of  porous  pavement (First  author,1st  Academic  Forum  of   Chinese  Doctoral  Candidates, 2003 ,October, Beijing)

 Urban  planning & construction and  electromagnetism radiation  protect(First  author, South  Architecture,2003 No.4)

 Research  of  ecological and  culture  relic  protect  about  Longmen-Grotto (First  author, South  Architecture,2002 No.4)  

 Evaporating   test  research of  porous  brick  (Sichuan  Building  Science, 2004 Vol.30 No.3)

 Application of  penetrative  pavement  and  its  prospects(First  author, Architecture  Technology, 2002 Vol.33 No.9)

 Urban  physical environment  and individual  health(Second  author, Industrial  Construction  2003 Vol.33 No.7)

 Penetrative  pavement  and  urban “Heat-island   effect” (First  author,  Ecological Building and Architectural  Physics ,Excellent  papers in  9th  Academic  Forum  of   Chinese  Architectural  Physics, 2004 ,October ,Nanjing ,china building  industry  press,)

 Urban optical environment  and traffic safe & penetrative  pavement(First  author,  Ecological Building and Architectural  Physics ,Excellent  papers(2) in  9th  Academic  Forum  of   Chinese  Architectural  Physics, 2004 ,October ,Nanjing )

 Penetrative  pavement  and  urban ecological  and physical   environment(First  author, Industrial  Construction  2004 Vol.34 No.1)

 Water penetration system  for porous pavement  (Architecture  Technology, 2004 Vol.35 No.7)

 Regression of Urban  Pavements —Porous Pavements,  The 4th International Sustainable Energy Technologies,Jinan,China,23~25,September,2005,china building  industry  press.

 Make Proper Arrangements for Rainwater ,  Bring Benefit to The People

       ——Inquiring  Into the  System  of  Rainwater  Utilization  in Urban  Area,《URBAN  PROBLEMS》,ISSN1002-2031,CN11-1119/C,2003(3)

 Porous Pavement  and   Ecological    Regeneration——Optimal Design About  the Ecological Physical Environment of Urban Square, OIL  UNIVERCITY  PRESS, ISBN7-5636-1964-X,

 Synthetic  Evaluation   Method   Study of Urban Waterfront  Garden Ecological Physical  Environment, The Proceedings of  Symposium on Building Environment  and  Saving   Energy,Chengdu,China,24~26,October,2007,

 Comprehensive Evaluation Method Study of  University Town Ecological Physical Environment (UTEPE), Sustainable Development of Urban Environment and Building Material, ICTAS 2011(Ei indexed)

 The Analyse of  Examples on Sorlar Water Heating  System Intergrative  Building Design International Symposium on Innovation &Sustainability of Structures in Civil EngineeringXiamen University, China, 2011(Ei  indexed)

 The Glimpse on Ecological and energy Saving Design  of Lund University Campus,2010BEST-CN(Building Environment-Science&Technology of China ,Southeast  University,Nanjing,2010)。(Ei  indexed)

 The Revelation of Sustainable Traffic System of Lund in Sweden.,International Workshop on Architecture, Civil& Environmental Engineering, ACEE 2011“。(Ei  indexed)

 The Analyse of Examples on Sustainable Development and Building Energy in Sweden. International Workshop on Architecture, Civil Engineering  and energy engineering, CEEE 2011” 。(Ei indexed)


 Study  about  Highway noise protective screen  intelligent  design  with  AUTOCAD( task  from traffic department of shanxi  province), fifth  participator

 intelligent building  technology  of architectural  design ( task  from scientific  department of shanxi  province, serial number: 981140210) ,third  participator

 Energy  Conservation  Design Research  for  Residential  Buildings in Hot in Summer  and Cold  in Winter  Zone( task  from college’s  doctor  fund ,serial number: 999028622) ,main  participator

 Ecological  environmental  benefit research of  porous  pavement( task  from Henan University of Science and Technology ,serial number: 20020039) , Presided person

 Standardized  general-purpose  noise  reaction  questions for  community  noise  surveys( task  from Kumamoto University), main  participator

Architectural  Acoustic  Design  Achievement------participated in and taken on several acoustic projects designing, such as :

1、 Xiamen  Software district  record  hall

2、 Gymanisium  of   Yangzhou  university

3、 Gymanisium  of  Henan University of Science and Technology

4、 Shenzhen  longgang   sports and  culture  center  

5、 Xiamen  Haicang Culture  center theatre

6、 YongAn Culture  Center theatre, Fujian  Province

7、 Acoustic  Reform of  Multi-function Hall  of  Construction  Bank in  Xiamen

8、 Concert and theatre  of   International  conference  Centre in Xiamen University(preliminary  plan)

9、 Fu An  Culture  center theatre, Fujian  Province

10、 Multi-function Hall  of  Affiliated middle school  of Xiamen University in Zhangzhou, e, Fujian  Province


1. a diffuse block of absorb  sonic  wave(Patent number:ZL2015 2 0059795.3)(the first originator)

2. a variable  diffuse block of absorb  sonic  wave(Patent number:ZL2015 2 0059818.0)(the first originator)

3.a ecological dwelling house system(Patent number:ZL2015 2 0741029.5)(the third originator)
