Hu Hua
Publish Date:2015/06/11 Views:

Name:Hu Hua




Research Interest:Rock and Soil Mechanics, Rock and Soil Engineering, Geological Disaster Prevention, Underground  Engineering, etc.

Courses Taught: Engineering Geology, Underground Structures, Soil Mechanics,Foundation Engineering, Underground Engineering, Advanced Soil Mechanics, etc.

Education Background:

Graduated with a bachelor's degree in Central South University of technology (Central South University now) in 1991.

Graduated with a master's degree in Central South University from 1997 to 2000.

Graduated with a doctor's degree in China University of Mining and Technology in Beijing  from 2000 to 2003.

Professional Experience:

Engaged in the design and and the scientific research work of the underground engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, etc as assistant engineer and engineer  in Northwest Institute from 1991 to 1997.

Worked as lecturer, associate professor in School of Architecture and Civil Engineering since 2003 and advanced to professor title promotion in 2009 

Honors and Awards: 

Received the first prize for State Scientific and Technological Progress Prize of National Economics and Trade Commission ,1 item;The second prize of provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Prize,2 items;The third prize of a provincial Science and Technology Progress Prize. Be elected in New Century Talent of colleges and universities in Fujian province in 2007.


Research Grants:

Subjects committed and undertaken: 2 projects from The National Natural Science Foundation ,1 project from the Key Projects of Science and Technology of Fujian province,1 project from colleges and universities excellent talents support plan in the new century of Fujian province,2 projects from The Fujian Province Natural Science Foundation,1 project from The Guandong Province Natural Science Foundation,1 scientific project from Bureau of Science and Technology of Xiamen,1 scientific project from Construction Bureau of Xiamen.


Publications(Journal Articles, Books and Translated Books):

[1]HU Hua.The analysis on dynamic rheologic mechanics for soft rock-soil to bust out geologic disaster[J].Journal of Catastrophology,2005,20(4):13-17.

[2]HU Hua.The influencing characteristics and mechanism of water content on rheological parameters of soft-soil[J]. Geotechnical Engineering Technique,2005,19(3):134-136.

[3]HU Hua.The rheological model and rheological equation of sullage soft soil under dynamic loading[J].Rock and Soil Mechanics;2007,28(2):273-240.

[4]HU Hua,YU Deng-rong,GU Heng-xing.The analysis of dynamic rheologic mechanics for soft rock-soil to burst out geologic disaster[J].Journal of Natural Disasters.2007,16(4);61-65.

[5]HU Hua,GU Heng-xing,YU Deng-rong.Research on dynamic rheological characteristics and rheologic parameters of sullage soft soil[J].Rock and Soil Mechanics,2008,29(3);696-700.

[6]HU Hua.Experimental research on factors influencing characteristics of rheological parameters of soft soil[J].Rock and Soil Mechanics,2008,29;507-510.

[7]HU Hua, ZHENG Xiao-xu.Experimental research on  dynamic rhelogical characteristics of marine deposit soft soil under different frequencies of dynamic loading[J].Rock and Soil Mechanics,2013,34;9-13.

[8]HU Hua,CAI Liang.Test Study of the Influence of moisture Content on Dynamic Characteristics of Residual Soil[J].China Earthquake Engineering Journal,2015,37(3);754-758.

[9]HU Hua,CAI Liang,LIANG Jian-ye,etc.Experimental research on impact damage and damage evolution characteristics of granitic saprolite[J].Rock and Soil Mechanics,2015,36;25-30.

[10] HU Hua,LIANG Jian-ye,etc.Experiment and research on dynamic rheological damage mechanics characteristics and damage degree influence with different moisture content of granite residual soil.Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,2015,46(6):54-58.

Office:Room 512.

