Name: Chen Lanying
Gender: F
Degree: Bachelor’s degree
Title: Senior Engineer, National 1st Class Registered Structural Engineer, Working Drawing Reviewer of Fujian Province
Research Interests: structural strengthening, ancient building preservation, structural design and working plan review.
Courses Taught: Structural Test, Graduation Project
Office: Structural Testing Laboratory
Tel(O): 0592-2183282
Education Background:
Bachelor’s degree with major in industrial and civil engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 1990.
Professional Experience:
1990.8-1995.3 Assistant engineer in Northwestern Polytechnical University;
1995.4-2011.4 Engineer and Senor Engineer in Architectural Design and Research Institute of Xiamen University;
2011.5-Present Senior Engineer in Central Laboratory for structural engineering in School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xiamen University.
Honors and Awards:
1. The 3rd Prize in Architectural Design of Fujian Province with the project of Educational Basis - Training Center for Cadres in Gutian, Fujian. 2009;
2. The Outstanding Teacher for Summer volunteering of Xiamen University. 2010;
3. The 2nd Prize in Outstanding Urban Residential Building with the project of Faculty Housing in Xicun, Xiamen University. 2011;
4. ICBC Award for teachers, Xiamen University, 2014.
Research Grants: Structural Design
Publications(Journal Articles, Books and Translated Books)
1. A Design Method of Foundation under Complex Situation, Building Structure, 09/2002;
2. Structural Reinforcement for Historic Buildings in Gu Langyu, Modern earthquake engineering progress, The sixth session of the national earthquake engineering, 11/2002;
A Study on Octagon Building Repairing and Seismic Strengthening Technic,IEEE, The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT2011), Engineering Index.