Xu Wangtu
Publish Date:2015/06/15 Views:

Wangtu Xu

·         Gender: Male

·         Date of Birth: 04/03/1981

·         Address: Room A-409, Zengchengkui Lou, 182 Daxue Lu, Siming District, XMU, Xiamen (361005), Fujian, China

·         Work Phone: +1 – 520 328 6361 (Available during March 2016 –March 2017)

·         Mobile Phone: +86-13720889640

·         E-mail:


Mar.,2016 –Mar.,2017           Visiting Scholar, Department of System and Industrial Engineering, The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA.


Work Experience          


July. 2010 – Present                Xiamen University, PR China

                            Assistant Professor, Associate Professor (from Aug. 2012)

Selected Publications  

·          Please contact me to ask for the latest list of my publications.

Skills & Abilities  

Excellent Computer Skills of Programming

·         Google (Baidu) Map API with Javascript

·         Python and Vb Script for Arcgis

·         Visual Studio. Net

·         Java, C ++, C #

·         Matlab Programming, Using Toolbox such as Yalmip and DACE

·         Gisdk in TransCAD

·         SQL Sever

Great scientific research enthusiasm, Strong ability of academic paper formulating

Researches Interests

·         Optimizations, Operations, and Simulations for Transportation Systems.

·         Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.

·         Relationship between Human Behaviour and Environment.

·         Urban System Analysis and Sustainable Development.

·         Climate Change Analysis.

·         MIS, Big data for optimization analysis


Researches Projects

·         Principal Investigator. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (FRF-CCU), 2010.12-2012.12, Coordinating The Optimal Facility Configurations of Urban Mass Rapid Transit System and Residential & Employment Land Distributions, No. 2010121074.

·         Principal Investigator. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2013.1-2015.12, Study on the Optimal Facility Allocation for the Backbone Commuter Transit Network under Typical Residential-Job Land Use Methods of China Cities, No. 51208445.

·         Principal Investigator. The Ministry of Education of Humanities and Social Science Project, 2012.1-2015.12, Joint Development of Regional Transportation System and Economic based on Coordinated Development Background: Take Southeast Fujian Area as an Example, No. 12YJCZH237.


Teaching Courses


·         Urban Planning (5): Zoning Planning (Undergraduate 5010057)

·         Urban Traffic and Transportation Planning (Undergraduate 5010011)

·         Professional English for Urban Planning (Undergraduate 5010016)

·         Urban Sociology (Postgraduate 130160040046)

·         City development mode and Energy planning (Postgraduate 130160040041)
