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The senior workshop of the frontiers of urban and rural planning theory and method was held smoothly in Xiamen University
Publish Date:2016/08/01 Views:

 (Drafter: Fu,Hang. Reviewer:Li,Yuan) 

The senior workshop of the Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning Theory and Method of Xiamen University was held in Xiamen University from October 24 to 28, 2016. The first batch of students are from Guangdong Urban&Rural Planning and Design Institute. The workshops aims to improve the professional quality and comprehensive ability of technical backbones, and build a high-quality contingent of cadres. The first workshop members have senior planners, outstanding directors of projects from 2013 to 2015, and technical innovation award winners and full-time deputy chief engineers.

October 24,Wang Shaosen, dean of the school of architecture and civil engineering, presided over the opening ceremony, briefly introduced the this seminar schedule, and extended his warm welcome to the members of the seminar. Then, professor Wen,Chaoxiang ,the dean of the department of urban planning, and Wen,Chunyang, the vice president of Guangdong Urban&Rural Planning and Design Institute, delivered speeches respectively.

Picture1.Dean Wang delivered the speech at the opening ceremony

Picture2.Members of the workshop


In the five-day workshop, teaching contents includes The Formulation and Administration of Urban and Rural Plans (by professor Wen,Chaoxiang), The Evolution and Prospect of Regional Spatial Planning (by professor Zhang,Jingxiang), City, Region, Environment (by professor Wang,Shaosen), The Application of Big Data and of Small Data in the Formulation of Planning (by Dr Li,Yuan), The Thinking of Cultural Heritage Value and The Sustainable Development of Gulangyu (by professor Wang,Weishan), The Thinking of Planning and Construction of Livable City Under the Background of New Pattern Urbanization (by professor Chen,Xiaohui), The Evolution of Western Urban Planning Thought In The 1970s (by professor Ma,Wuding), Reading and Thinking of Sponge City: (by Senior engineer Huang,Youyi). Besides, workshops held in the lecture hall of the building of Zeng, Chengkui. In a harmonious atmosphere, teachers and students had an active interaction.

         After school, workshop menbers visited the campus of Xiamen University, learned the general situation and the history of the school and the institute, and investigated the historical building protection and the utilization and protection of shoreline of Gulangyu. Then visited Xiamen Planning Exhibition Hall. The seminar course system and training contents did combine the theoretical research and the practical work experience, thus, has been widely welcomed by the members of the seminar.

Picture3.Members attended the class
